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2022-04-25 10:16:26 来源: 点击数:0




叮,在中间强行进入自我介绍 我的宝藏星球「 @真真同学」 分享 文案|壁纸|热爱|期待你的光临啊,我的宝藏星球,希望你们都有小钱钱大多数时光里,我们不是在重复自己的生活,就是在重复别人的生活。真正的幸福,不是活成别人那样,而是按自己的意愿去生活。

Most of the time, we are either repeating our own lives or others lives. True happiness is not to live like others, but to live according to your own wishes.


You hate some people, you dont like some things, you dont have to shout, resist or slander, you just need to cut off contact with them. Just like sailing in the sea, we dont need to know every reef, as long as we go deeper and dont encounter it.


The day you like is the most beautiful day; What suits you is the best way to live.


When you especially want to do something, just do it, and dont always miss the beauty of life. Impulse may pay a price, but missing the price is even more regrettable.


We always like to give ourselves many reasons to explain our cowardice, always deceive ourselves to believe those beautiful lies, always hide our inner fears, and always escape from our crimes. But the truth is always, one day, we have to face those sins frankly and redeem our souls.